Kasil; kasil6; potassiummetasilicate; potassiumpolysilicate; potassiumsilicatesolution; potassiumwaterglass; ps7; pyramid120 Sodium silicate appears to be a powdered or flaked sol953373@ compound. It can be a robust irritant to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes and could be harmful by ingestion. Concentrated aqueous solutions of sodium silicate are utilised like a glue. Coarse Selenium https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0E1nrAmGW26XpcCz7VcT5oSPkye7bRtVQiybmg2WkWgNSYmBjTNxCyMy1C7T3oWyFl&id=61569401052276